
Tuesday, November 1, 2011


广州南站卖地为何一推再推? 羊城晚报讯 记者赵燕华、实习生张蕾报道:经过多次改期,广州南站地块1日终于迎来首场卖地会,成功以底价拍出三幅地块,另外12宗原计划出让的南站用地则临时中止出让被收回。市房管局解释,将统筹考虑其他待出让的南站 ... 广州南站卖地为何一推再推?

Domestic tomatoes and grapes, and next year, exports to the United States and Canada

Domestic tomatoes and grapes, and next year, exports to the United States and Canada Cookies economic] Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Quarantine Inspection Division under the recently negotiated with the U.S. tomato exports, Canada has concluded negotiations with the grape exporter said three days. Accordingly, as early as May next year in the United States domestically produced tomatoes, grapes, is expected to be exported to Canada, respectively. ...Domestic tomatoes and grapes, and next year, exports to the United States and Canada

الكونجرس يوافق على تغليظ العقوبات ضد إيران

الكونجرس يوافق على تغليظ العقوبات ضد إيران وافقت لجنة فى الكونجرس الأمريكى، الأربعاء، على تغليظ العقوبات على إيران لتطول البنك المركزى فى طهران، فى أعقاب مؤامرة إيرانية مزعومة لاغتيال السفير السعودى فى واشنطن. وأمام التشريع الذى يحظى بموافقة الحزبين فرص جيدة للحصول على موافقة مجلس النواب ... الكونجرس يوافق على تغليظ العقوبات ضد إيران

Technology Expo at the forefront of the Prefecture Yokkaichi

Technology Expo at the forefront of the Prefecture Yokkaichi To introduce advanced technology companies and universities in the prefecture, "Reading Expo 2011 looks" (sponsored by Yomiuri Shimbun, etc.), October 2, opened at Yokkaichi in Yokkaichi Dome. 3 days. Record high number of exhibitors was at 231. Solar power, clean equipment to introduce electric cars and hybrid vehicles.Technology Expo at the forefront of the Prefecture Yokkaichi


贵州福泉爆炸事故初步调查显示:运输炸药车辆存在违规行为 据新华社电 记者2日从贵州福泉"11·1"爆炸事故救援指挥部了解到,初步调查结果显示,停放在事发地点的运输炸药车辆,存在未按规定运输路线行车和违规停靠等行为。公安部目前已协调河南、湖南等地爆炸事故处理专家赶赴 ... 贵州福泉爆炸事故初步调查显示:运输炸药车辆存在违规行为

Bali bomb 'mastermind' trained militants

Bali bomb 'mastermind' trained militants Indonesian police say the alleged mastermind behind the 2002 Bali bombings gave gun training to militants at a camp in Aceh. Police have made a connection between Umar Patek and the camp, which was discovered last year, after the suspect retraced his ... Bali bomb 'mastermind' trained militants

China Mobile, Li Yue indicate the evolution of IT systems thinking at the end of the product release personal cloud

China Mobile, Li Yue indicate the evolution of IT systems thinking at the end of the product release personal cloud C114 News November 2 evening news (Sang Ju) yesterday at the "head of Global Information Technology Conference," the president of China Mobile, Li Yue said that after 12 years of development, China Mobile already has the world's largest customer, but in the IT field is still facing great challenges. ...China Mobile, Li Yue indicate the evolution of IT systems thinking at the end of the product release personal cloud

广西钦州客车驶入水塘11人获救 司机被控制

广西钦州客车驶入水塘11人获救 司机被控制 中新网北海11月2日电(翟李强)11月2日中午12时许,一辆中型客车在广西钦州市钦北区一村庄路段行驶中偏离路面,驶入公路旁的水塘中,车上11名乘客及司乘人员被及时救出。截至17时发稿时,救援人员仍在试图抽干水塘,以进 ... 广西钦州客车驶入水塘11人获救 司机被控制

Interim results of the three companies portable robust Sumaho DoCoMo have been revised upward

Interim results of the three companies portable robust Sumaho DoCoMo have been revised upward Two days in September 2011 consolidated interim three major mobile phone companies, finalized. All three companies smartphone (feature phones) with strong sales, KDDI (au) and Softbank ensure sales and profits. NTT DoCoMo said, the forecast was revised upward for the year ended March 12. NTT DoCoMo, March 12 ...Interim results of the three companies portable robust Sumaho DoCoMo have been revised upward

"أمن الأقصر" يداهم أرض نائب سابق ويستعيد "البالون" من الحمبولى

"أمن الأقصر" يداهم أرض نائب سابق ويستعيد "البالون" من الحمبولى داهمت أجهزة الأمن بالأقصر، فجر اليوم، أرضا زراعية مملوكة لنائب سابق ومرشح حالى لمجلس الشعب، فى إطار مطاردتها لياسر الحمبولى "خط الصعيد" وتمكنت القوات من العثور على البالون السياحى الطائر والسيارة التى كانت تحمله وتم اختطافها الجمعة الماضى من إحدى ... "أمن الأقصر" يداهم أرض نائب سابق ويستعيد "البالون" من الحمبولى

Beijing vows better pollution data after smog anger

Beijing vows better pollution data after smog anger Authorities in Beijing have pledged to improve the way they measure air quality amid accusations they massively underestimate pollution in the Chinese capital, state media said Wednesday. A woman wears a mask as she rides a bicycle in Beijing on ... Beijing vows better pollution data after smog anger

311 earthquakes hit Japan and Taiwan to raise 20 billion rescue fund

311 earthquakes hit Japan and Taiwan to raise 20 billion rescue fund March 11, an earthquake and tsunami catastrophe hit Japan. After six months, the Japanese gradually out of the shadow of disaster, and they deeply remember the generosity of the people of Taiwan during this period, thanks will be held in Taiwan, thanks to Taiwan. Tanaka Chie emotional thanks, convey the Japanese people's gratitude for Taiwan. After the 311 earthquake and tsunami, the people of Taiwan have generously so far ...311 earthquakes hit Japan and Taiwan to raise 20 billion rescue fund

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